Author Archives: manhi40

HDMI Bootloader

Yes, that’s a bit of a click-baity title, but it’s technically true, I’ve managed to bootload an MSPM0L1304 over an HDMI connection.


This all started when my roommate had an idea for a sort of game cheating product. The idea is that in some games, it is potentially advantageous to have the image stretched which makes aiming easier.…

DIY IoT Thermostat


I recently became obsessed with creating my own IoT devices using ESP8266/ESP32 microcontrollers, ESPHome, and Home Assistant. Most of what I had been playing with had been dev boards with sensors haphazardly soldered to them. Although this had been a lot of fun, I wanted to created something more permanent that would be more useful.…

Macro Pad

As someone who spends a lot of time working on the computer, I have come to prefer a certain set of peripherals, mainly my IBM Model M keyboard. This keyboard is almost perfect for me except for the lack of modern features like media controls and programmable macro keys.…

Personal audio recorder

Around the spring of 2018, I had the desire to record all of my daily interactions. I had forgotten about that idea until fall of that year when I was deciding on a project for senior design in school. Although our group had several ideas, most were too complex for a group of three people to work on so we decided on this device.…

Arcade Stick

My love of Akira’s Tetris the Grandmaster series has prompted me to build an arcade stick which allows me to play the game the way it was meant to be played. Here is how I built it.


The electronics in this build were very simple, low cost arcade stick kits are available from many online retailers.…


In the fall of 2017 I was trying to learn how to program and use Microchip’s PIC series of microcontrollers. I had ordered a few ICs and a programmer, but with this I had to build the microcontroller onto a breadboard every time I wanted to test something.…

Home Darkroom

During my last year in high school I took 2 photo courses which both dealt with black and white film photography. I came to enjoy working in the darkroom very much and after I graduated I decided I wanted to set up my own darkroom.…